Our Job
If you’ve already made up your mind to hire a custom home builder rather than to purchase an existing home that’s currently on the market, you probably have a lot of questions about the various roles of the custom home builder you’ll choose. Those questions – and the answers you get from your list of potential builders – will likely help you choose the builder that’s right for you.
The role of the custom home builder
While it’s easy to pigeon-hole the home builder as the person or people “in charge”, the role of the custom home builder is really to be an advocate for the homeowner. While also an important member of the design team, the builder helps to monitor the project from conception to completion to be sure that what’s being done is in accordance with the plans and design specifications that you have chosen.
- Once chosen, the builder will oversee all aspects of the design process, which might include working with architects (if you don’t already have a plan drawn up), engineers, permits, subcontractors, and suppliers, in order to integrate the key building systems into the design. That’s why it’s essential to choose an experienced builder that can assure that the construction of the home complies with building codes, meets engineering design and municipal bylaws.
- The builder works with you to develop a building plan and finishing details which can then be used to develop a budget for the project. The builder also functions as a banker of sorts in that they will track all costs and help keep you on budget. The builder has access to wholesale pricing, which is passed on to you, along with dedicated knowledgeable sales people to assist with selection of products used to finish your home.
- The builder supervises and works with the team of trades and suppliers through each stage of the construction. A good builder will be on site regularly to ensure that your house is built to the highest standard of quality, as well as to the agreed upon timeline and budget.
- The builder acts as the liaison between the local building inspectors and will obtain the necessary certificate of occupancy before the buyer moves in.
- The custom home builder will be responsible for a final inspection of the property to be sure that everything has been completed properly. If any issues arise, the builder does what is necessary to resolve problems, including communicating with subcontractors or others responsible for these issues.
- The custom home builder will do a final walk-through with the homeowner and provide them with a Home Owner Manual and any warranties, teaching them about various systems within the house, providing them with maintenance schedules to help you protect your investment, and answering questions or concerns.
When do we begin our job?
As custom homebuilders, F. M. Construction is eager to join you at the very beginning of your journey towards becoming the owner of your dream custom built home. We’ll even help you find the right piece of land in the area in which you wish to build. We’re well-versed in the various neighborhoods in and around Vancouver and the Fraser Valley and can assist in steering you in the right direction, especially if you’re undecided.
But really, the most important part of our job – one that starts at the very beginning and ends after we hand you the keys – is to work at building a trusting, transparent relationship with clients like you; one that provides you with the confidence that every aspect of your home will be built well and to your specifications.
And that’s the part of the job we like best!

Call 604-880-4081 OR EMAIL US TODAY!